2012. How did we get here so fast? A new year. A blank page. All my blog pages seem to be blank these days. I really would love to be blogging more. So I’m making one (1) New Year’s Resolution. Blog more. I’m happier when I’m blogging. So I better get busy, right?
If you don’t live in the South, you’re wondering what in the world this picture is doing here. Black-eyed peas. A southern New Year’s tradition. Something about good luck for the year. And you must eat them on New Year’s Day. I confess that I spent a good number of years up north not eating black-eyed peas on January 1st. But not any more.
So this is what we had for lunch today. And they were quite yummy. I used Pioneer Woman’s recipe on her blog. Only I used red peppers instead of green ones. And I added the tomatoes she talks about. Here’s the recipe…… even though now it’s too late to make them for good luck in 2012. Well, unless you plan to eat them at just before midnight. You might be able to get them in.
But the very best part of our meal?
The cornbread. In an iron skillet. And it’s vegan. No eggs, no milk. And it was the yummiest cornbread I’ve ever had. Honest. I’ll make it again soon and do step-by-step pics. You need to try it. Healthy. Cornbread. Do those two words go together?
They do now. At least they do at my house. And we’ll be having cornbread a lot more often with all our soups, chilis and beans at our house.
Remember my resolution. More blogging in 2012. I expect you to hold me to my resolve.
Happy New Year!